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Entries in Ribbon Communications (2)


Books of 2024: Part 1

Gazettabyte asks industry figures to pick their notable reads during the year. Harald Bock, Jonathan Homa, and Maxim Kuschenrov kick off with their chosen books.

Source: Shutterstock

Harald Bock, Vice President Network Architecture, Infinera

I love reading but have not read as many books as I would have liked in recent years. I decided to change that in 2024.

My pick of fictional books this year was mainly classic science fiction after seeing the movie Dune Part 2 with my family. I read the book Dune by Frank Herbert, published in 1965, a while ago, and I wasn't sure that the movies did the book justice.

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Ribbon offers for trial its 1.2T wavelength 9408 platform

Ribbon Communications has started working with operators to trial its latest Apollo 9408 optical transport platform that supports 1.2 terabits per second (Tbps) optical wavelengths.

The company's modular platform also can send 800 gigabit-per-second (Gbps) wavelengths over 1,000km and 400Gbps wavelengths over ultra-long-haul networks.

Jonathan Homa

"We have conducted trials, including one with a Tier 1 European provider," says Jonathan Homa, senior director of solutions marketing at Ribbon. "You can get 1.2 terabits within major cities, 800 gigabits covering major states or regions, and 400 gigabits for about as long as you want to go."

"The Apollo 9408 is Ribbon's first disaggregated transponder unit or compact modular box using the CIM 8 for up to 1.2Tbps of wavelength speed," says Jimmy Yu, vice president at market research firm Dell'Oro Group.

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