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Entries in Penta (1)


Juniper bolsters its MX routers with packet processing ASIC 

Juniper Networks has developed its next-generation packet processor, a single-chip package that includes 3D-stacked high-bandwidth memory. The device’s first use will be to enhance three of Juniper’s flagship MX series edge routers. 

The company has also announced software for the 5G cellular standard that separates the control and user planes, known as CUPS, and two new MX-series platforms that will use the company’s universal chassis.

The company’s MX series edge routers were first introduced in 2007. “The MX is a platform that is at the heart of our service provider customers globally, as well as a number of our cloud provider and enterprise customers,” says Sally Bament, Juniper’s vice president of service provider marketing (pictured).       

The latest enhancements will provide the MX edge router customers with another decade of support to meet their evolving service requirements, says Bament.

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