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Entries in Hans-Martin Foisel (2)


OIF defines carrier requirements for SDN

The Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) has achieved its first milestone in defining the carrier requirements for software-defined networking (SDN).


"The orchestration layer will coordinate the data centre and transport network activities and give ... easy access to new applications"

Hans-Martin Foisel, OIF


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The role of software-defined networking for telcos

The OIF's Carrier Working Group is assessing how software-defined networking (SDN) will impact transport. Hans-Martin Foisel, chair of the OIF working group, explains SDN's  importance for operators.

Briefing: Software-defined networking

Part 1: Operator interest in SDN


"Using SDN use cases, we are trying to derive whether the transport network is ready or if there is some missing functionality"

Hans-Martin Foisel, OIF


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