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Entries in Vladimir Kozlov (15)


Books in 2017

Gazettabyte has asked various industry executives to discuss the books they have read in 2017. Here two market researchers give their recommendations.


Andrew Schmitt, founder and lead analyst of Cignal AI

I didn’t have a good year with books. I bought more than these and either didn’t read them or I lost interest. Hopefully, 2018 will be better.

A Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age by Jimmy Soni and Rob Goodman was a big disappointment. It is a well-researched book and has tons of great history on Claude Shannon but there was something about the writing style that made it turgid. I struggled to finish it but learned a lot about Claude Shannon, including that his home in Boston wasn’t far from mine.

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Optical integration and silicon photonics: A view to 2021

LightCounting Market Research’s recent report on optical integration investigates the global market opportunity for integrated optical components including silicon photonics for the next five years. An interview with LightCounting CEO and report author, Vladimir Kozlov. 


LightCounting’s report on photonic integration has several notable findings. The first is that only one in 40 optical components sold in the datacom and telecom markets is an integrated device yet such components account for a third of total revenues.

Another finding is that silicon photonics will not have a significant market impact in the next five years to 2021, although its size will grow threefold in that time.

By 2021, one in 10 optical components will be integrated and will account for 40% of the total market, while silicon photonics will become a $1 billion industry by then. 


Integrated optics

“Contrary to the expectation that integration is helping to reduce the cost of components, it is only being used for very high-end products,” says Vladimir Kozlov, CEO of LightCounting.

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Is the tunable laser market set for an upturn?

Part 2: Tunable laser market

"The tunable laser market requires a lot of patience to research." So claims Vladimir Kozlov, CEO of LightCounting Market Research. Kozlov should know; he has spent the last 15 years tracking and forecasting lasers and optical modules for the telecom and datacom markets.

Source: LightCounting, Gazettabyte

The tunable laser market is certainly sizeable; over half a million units will be shipped in 2014, says LightCounting. But the market requires care when forecasting. One subtlety is that certain optical component companies - Finisar, JDSU and Oclaro - are vertically integrated and use their own tunable lasers within the optical modules they sell. LightCounting counts these as module sales rather than tunable laser ones.

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Reporting the optical component & module industry

LightCounting recently published its six-monthly optical market research covering telecom and datacom. Gazettabyte interviewed Vladimir Kozlov, CEO of LightCounting, about the findings.


When people forecast they always make a mistake on the timeline because they overestimate the impact of new technology in the short term and underestimate in the long term.

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Optical transceiver market to grow 50 percent by 2017

  • The optical transceiver market will grow to US $5.1bn in 2017
  • The fierce price declines of 2012 will lessen during the forecast period
  • Stronger traffic growth could have a significant positive effect on transceiver market growth


"The price declines in 2012 were brutal but they will not happen again [during the forecast period]"

Vladimir Kozlov, LightCounting




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60-second interview with .... Vladimir Kozlov

A Q&A with Vladimir Kozlov, CEO of market research firm, LightCounting. The first of occassional quick interviews with industry figures. 


"You have to look over a longer time frame to understand the industry and appreciate the progress"






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Chinese optical component vendors set for change 

China’s optical component firms must adapt if they are to match their Western counterparts in market reach, company ambition and technology portfolios. These are the findings of a report - China: The New Land of Opportunity - on the local optical component (OC) industry by market research firm, LightCounting.


“If [Chinese optical component] companies get $100m from an IPO, they have the resources to really do things”

Vladimir Kozlov, LightCounting



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